discover gambassi terme

Tuscany: at its core. Where the journey begins!

Halfway between Florence and Siena, Gambassi Terme is surrounded by hills dotted with Medieval villages, vineyards, olive groves and luxuriant forests. A sweet panorama that opens to the towers of San Gimignano, the walls of Certaldo and the lunar landscapes of the Val d’Era, crowned by the hilltop fortification of Volterra.
A centre of gravity where every trip may begin: toward cities of art – you can reach Florence, Pisa, Siena and Lucca in less than 90 minutes – or to the sea, which you can see on sunny days beyond the hills of the Val di Cecina.

Not by chance, history speaks of Gambassi as a land of passage, traversed by some of the main Medieval roads, religious paths and commercial routes: the Via Francigena, taken by pilgrims heading to Rome and therefore full of parishes and Romanesque churches, or the Via del Sale (Salt Road), where the white gold of Volterra travelled on its way to the markets of Florence.
Gambassi Terme is still an important hub, as guests arriving from all over the world know, but we would like to invite you to discover our territory and our neighbours: around the corner, there’s a spectacular slice of Tuscany!

Just a few numbers: it’s 9 km from both Certaldo and Castelfiorentino, 19 km from San Gimignano, 33 km from Volterra, 54 km from Florence, 52 km from Siena, and 68 km from Pisa.

Nature and Culture: discover the cultural landscape of Gambassi

Human life is an eternal dialogue between nature and culture: if it’s culture that takes nature as an example, or if it’s nature that is modelled by human work and knowledge, the relationship between a landscape and the community that inhabits it is a dialogue of reciprocal dependence.
The hilly landscape of Gambassi Terme is an example, a poetic synthesis of economic relations.

Its territory was built and crossed by generations of men and women, who were not only attracted by its strategic geographic location, but also by the geothermal energy that makes the land good to live in and cultivate. No wonder it had numerous roads, commercial routes and religious paths: everyone passed through Gambassi. The Etruscans knew it as they travelled to Volterra, the Romans visited it as they passed between Siena and Lucca, and during the Middle Ages it was a rest stop along the Via Francigena.

No wonder its landscape is still devoted to rurality, and preserves the history of the work of those who continue to care for and protect it.

The Land of Wellbeing. Recharge your body and soul.

Gambassi has been known since ancient times for its healing thermal waters: water sources, hypothermal springs and gas emissions dot its countryside, making it a land full of energy, the ideal place to care for one’s body and recharge in a refreshing environment.
From the health treatments of the Gambassi Thermal Baths famous for the healing properties of the Salsa di Pillo water, to the slow village rhythms, where even shopping in the small stores or drinking a glass of wine in Piazza Roma ensures the luxury of simplicity, Gambassi is the ideal destination for those in search of a regenerative pause.

Hospitality #nofilter: feeling good in Gambassi

Tuscany is not only Florence!
There’s so much to discover, and Gambassi Terme is one of those hidden jewels you never know whether to share or keep secret! Its spontaneous people, relaxed rhythms and quality of hospitality make it a place that is still authentic, because here you can enjoy experiences and relationships with no filter, without the social pressures of everyday life. Be yourself and you will be welcome!

Eat, drink, live local! When food becomes wellbeing.

Wellbeing also involves the quality of food. In Gambassi, the beauty of its food and wine is available to all, season after season. Going shopping and sitting down to eat becomes a way to meet new people, the local producers, discovering a short distribution chain that provides wine, olive oil, pasta from ancient wheat, goat cheeses, vegetables from the garden and organic meat bred just a few kilometres from town. Healthy ingredients for simple cooking, to learn and bring home.